"Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid" - Ronald Reagan

New York

For 'hair color,' Edwards wrote 'silky'

Peter Bronson writes in The Enquirer instead of having debates from president, we should conduct job interviews. The sample interviews are hilarious. Here is Hillary Clinton's interview.

Us: "Welcome, Mrs. Clinton, have a seat. We've been looking over your resume, and we have a few questions. Tell us what experience you have that qualifies you to run the United States."

H.C.: "Well, I lived in the White House for eight years."

Us: "That's nice. I drove to work in a Chevy this morning, but that doesn't make me qualified to run General Motors."

H.C.: "But I was very involved in policy decisions."

Us: "Good. Can you provide some documents to show us how you were involved? Such as your failed health care initiative?"

H.C.: "I'm sorry, those are among the 2,600 pages that will not be released until I become president or hell freezes over, whichever comes first."

Mike Huckabee's interview.

Mike Huckabee: "... What I meant to say was that Mormons think Jesus is Satan's second cousin on his father's side. Of course, I'm not sure that Mormonists are even a religion, because I left seminary school before we got to cults and sorcery ..."

Us: "The question was about Social Security."

And finally,

"... Ah actually invented the Internet before ah saved the whole entire planet from the apocalypse of global warming."

Us: "Hello, security? Who let Al Gore in here again?"

For all interviews, click here.


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