"Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid" - Ronald Reagan

New York

Security Guarantees for Iran’s Mullahs?

Amil Imani is an Iranian, born American citizen and pro-democracy activist residing in the United States of America, has an interesting article at The American Thinker about security guarentees for the Iranian Mullahs. In the article, he asks what do the Mullahs want a security guarentee from? He poses three possibilities.
  1. Iraq
  2. Fellow Gulf states
  3. America
His answer is none of the above, but is instead from the Iran population themselves.
"The mullahs like their lifestyle and want to bequeath it to their children. They are also long-term planners. They have maniacal messianic delusions of some day ruling the world. Presently, they will do all they can to imprison and kill with impunity the internal opposition, and want the rest of the world to keep its nose out of their “family” business. In the meantime, they will with greater peace of mind pursue their quest for the nuclear bomb, by hook or crook, and keep the fat UN watchdog happily in a slumberous state by throwing it a bone or two from time to time,”
I believe Amil Imani has hit the mark. The Mullahs want nothing more than what JFK gave the Soviets with regards to Castro's Cuba so like Cuba they can continue to oppress their own people for own benefit.

It goes back to there exists three basic human emtions: Greed, Fear, and Greed.


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