"Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid" - Ronald Reagan

New York

More Data Against the Global Warming Debate

Dr. Patrick Michaels provides interesting insight into the Global Warming-increase hurricane intensity debate in a recent article for TCS Daily. He notes that scientist are fond of showing correlations in a variety of items, like hurrican intensity and carbon dioxide content since 1970 (the hockey stick), but when observing the data since 1945, this apparent correlation just appears as a normal cyclic trend. He notes,
A major hurricane is a very unique event — a lot of disparate factors must become organized in just the right way to allow a major storm to develop. While high SSTs are one critical ingredient, they alone are insufficient to generate a whopper storm. SSTs have been increasing since 1970, as have major hurricanes, but the connection is not nearly as simple as some authors are suggesting. And careful scrutiny of ALL of the available data shows the connection to global warming is less than tenuous.

Dr. Michaels provides detailed analysis which does not coincide with global warming causing increased hurricane intensity. His analysis is worth a read for anybody who wants the the true, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth with regards to global warming and weather intensity.


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